Two weeks ago, there were two App Engine events in Seattle, and I have to say, Seattle is rocking cloud computing.
The first event was at StartPad, a coworking facility where lots of great start-ups are based. Yours truly gave a presentation, interrupted quite frequently by excellent questions, to a crowd of about 40 people. There were lots of people interested in cloud computing, both Google App Engine and Amazon's AWS. After all, who wants to manage their own data center?
The second event was Google's App Engine Hack-a-thon, where about 45 people came and hacked away on their App Engine applications. It was great fun. Here are just some of the apps that people wrote and demoed during the event:
StumbleRead - a Friend Feed aggregator.
After Market Accounts - Allows you to resell website registrations.
Media Library - Allows you to store and organize your iTunes library information.
PublicDominion - A wiki that generates new web pages automatically from user-added tags.
Plain Ticket - A message queue for Google App Engine applications.
Thanks Seattle, for your hospitality.
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