When inspiration strikes, it's nice to go from concept to reality in the shortest possible amount of time. We're happy to let you know about two new tools that will help you shorten the path on App Engine from conception to clicks.
For those used to rapidly developing apps with Zoho Creator, we are happy to announce that Zoho have made it possible to deploy these apps using Google App Engine. Zoho Creator enables you to develop data backed business applications, and once you have developed your app in Creator, simply download the Python code and upload it to Google App Engine.
App Engine Site Creator
App Engine Site Creator is a lightweight content management system with a full GUI for content creation and administration. It provides a hierarchical site structure, an authentication system, user and group level access controls, file attachments and a WYSIWYG interface for editing page HTML.
The resulting managed site is designed to be themed and branded, and the back end Site Creator code was written with readability and extensibility in mind. Check out the code to learn more or visit the project page to learn how to download and deploy your own instance. As always, we welcome your feedback in our Google Group.
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